Shorty Got a Reputation

Womanism has a reputation. Not always a good one. Often for good reason. Something shifts behind the eyes whenever I say the word. Not unlike so many other shorties I know. The queers. The hoes. The 'that's a little suspect' neighbors. The suspected trans sibling, suspected butch lesbian. The fighters. The riders. The usual suspects - both fugitive and caught. Maroons, all of them. The woo woo tarot girls. The hoodoo spiritualist. The muslim. The migrant. The sande. The poro. The anti-facist anti-imperialist anti-liberal naive idealist dirty commie. The hood. The country. The [global] South. The openly gay. The flowers. The trees. The endangered. The obscene. The Black.

If I am willing, if I remain open to our connectedness, there's a reputation my womanism should be so lucky to embody (from the previous iteration of this digital presence, circa 2022).